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Cynthia. (and her Noisy Cricket)


My story begins in Mesquite, Texas where I enlisted in, and am retired now from, the Air Force. Learning how to handle and be proficient at shooting a handgun has always been something I’ve wanted to do.

My interest in handguns had been sparked recently due to a passing in the family and inheriting a few guns. Over the years, I learned TaeKwonDo and dabbled in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu among other self-defense classes. I may be tiny but I can hold my own. Having a little extra firepower (no pun intended) can always be to your advantage because every situation is different. Even the most trained individual can be taken by surprise.


Alex goes over the basics of the handgun, how to handle it, and the different types of handguns. 

When we got there, she had a table with various types of guns laid out. One at a time she let us shoot and coached us through each step, taking the time to guide us on our form and ensuring we felt comfortable handling the firearms. The class went great, I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in learning how to shoot a gun and who may have any reservations about it. Don’t worry, Alex will put you at ease.

Since my class with Alex, she has given me tips on what gun to choose for concealed carry, and what types of accessories to get for it. I have taken several more private lessons with Alex, learning more each time and turning me into a much more proficient shooter. My next step will be getting a License to Carry so I can carry my gun wherever I go and have that extra peace of mind and protection. Next, competitions would be fun to try. Who knows, maybe I see a new rifle in my future as well!



Hi, I’m Nicole and I am from Austin, TX!

I am 29 years old and have three beautiful little girls. I feel that my passion for my children creates my passion for my career and all other things in my life. I want to be a better person every day for them, and because of them. In my free time, I love to take my girls on adventures such as a new park, or part of town or to a friend’s pool/house and/or hiking, libraries and coffee shops etc. . I am interested in learning how to shoot a gun because I am a single mom of three and the reality of that hits me pretty hard at times, in terms of keeping them safe.

So, learning how to shoot for me is a way to protect my girls from any type situation that could harm them or myself. I know that at any moment, my bubble of safety could be popped and what would I do, what skills do I have?

I would carry a gun when I am out and with my girls and at night when I am walking to my car or a venue for an event.

I think Alex is an EXCELLENT instructor. She is very good at explaining how a gun operates and why one should have a gun. Not only to keep themselves safe, but others around them as well.


I am a single, retired woman with 2 grown children and 2 young grandchildren. I have lived in a very safe, suburban neighborhood of Austin for 15 years.  I enjoy weight training, walking the hills in my neighborhood, walking Lady Bird Lake, doing yoga, reading, learning, eating healthy, meeting with friends and of course being with my family.

My son gave me my first gun because he wanted me to feel and be safe and quite honestly, it sat in a drawer for years.  It was a protective, loving gift but I was afraid I might hurt someone by accident or hurt myself.  At first, I wasn’t very comfortable having a loaded gun in my house.


Recently, I was in a shady part of town for a dance class after dark, which meant parking in a strange neighborhood and walking a distance to class.  It occurred to me that I could carry my gun because I have recently been licensed and so I did.  It gave me such peace of mind that I decided that I will do that again.

Alex is a great instructor.  I felt very comfortable training with a female Marine veteran who has had extensive training and has taught many, many others.  Alex is slow, patient, steady, and very comfortable handling firearms safely and deliberately.  She has taught me to be much more relaxed and at ease handling a gun.  I feel that I would be very proficient and effective If I were to use my gun to protect myself.  I really liked learning from a woman, and I highly recommend Alex.

©2016 Vonhindenfalken. Falken Firearms Training LLC

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